Mini Dental Implants Cost Less Than You’d Expect!

Mini Dental Implants Cost in Jasper, AL | Free Implant Consultation

Can you put a price tag on a smile? To some, a smile is worth a thousand words. To others, it’s priceless. No matter how much you feel a smile is worth, understanding how important your smile is can be the key to unlocking many incredible benefits! Studies have shown that smiling is very beneficial for your overall health, with some supporting the idea that smiling more allows you to live longer! So, if smiling is so important, why not take care of your smile? Missing a tooth, or even all of your teeth, makes smiling difficult for some, but dental implants replace these teeth, allowing you to smile again! Unfortunately, these tooth replacements are expensive. But, at Bivona Family Dental, we offer a smaller, more affordable option. Mini dental implants cost less than you’d expect and are worth every penny!

What Is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a titanium post that secures artificial crowns, bridges, and dentures.

Dental crowns replace just one tooth, acting as a “natural crown” would in your mouth. We make these crowns look like your other teeth, blending in seamlessly with your smile. Dental bridges replace multiple missing teeth with a row of artificial ones that “bridge” the gap between your natural teeth. Dentures, of course, replace the entire row of teeth on your upper or lower jaw. We place dental implants in your jawbone to support these restorations while also stimulating the bone to maintain its shape. However, traditional implants are expensive and come with a few drawbacks that give patients pause.

These implants are around 5 millimeters in diameter and consist of multiple pieces that screw together to secure the restoration. To place these implants, we must first make an incision into the gums to reveal the jawbone underneath. Then, using a series of larger and larger drills, we create a hole for the traditional implant to fit. This hole takes up a lot of jawbone, making those with deteriorating jawbones ineligible for traditional implants without a bone graft.

This process is invasive and requires months of healing between each part we place. Additionally, a conventional implant’s multi-piece system creates seams for bacteria to gather, increasing your risk of peri-implantitis. Fortunately, we at Bivona Family Dental provide an alternative with many incredible benefits.

Understanding Mini Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants Cost in Jasper, AL | Free Implant ConsultationMini dental implants are less than 3 millimeters in diameter and consist of one piece of solid titanium. The process for placing these implants is minimally invasive, as we don’t need to make incisions in the gums or use sutures. Instead, we make a small pilot hole in the gums and jawbone. We then gently screw the implant in place, where it becomes remarkably stable immediately. Afterward, we secure a temporary restoration, or in some cases final, on the implant the same day, providing incredible stability to your smile!

Due to the smaller nature of a mini implant, the healing time required is significantly reduced, as is the amount of jawbone needed. Those with diminished bone density are still eligible for mini implants in most cases without needing a bone graft! Additionally, their sleek one-piece design makes mini implants less eligible for peri-implantitis, as they have no seams. These incredible benefits make mini implants the ideal implant option, even lowering the cost of both the implant and treatment!

The Cost of Mini Dental Implants

Three distinct benefits make mini dental implants cost less than traditional dental implants. These include:

  • Less components: Traditional implants have many parts, which must all be paid for separately. Mini implants, in contrast, have only one component to pay for, reducing their price tag significantly!
  • Fewer appointments: Because we place mini dental implants and temporary restorations in one appointment, there are significantly fewer visits to the dentist. For a traditional implant, we must place every component at a separate appointment, each with its own fee.
  • Minimal jawbone: Mini implants are smaller than traditional implants, allowing us to place them with a smaller hole. This uses minimal jawbone space, so those with diminished jawbone are still eligible! For traditional implants, a bone graft is often necessary to receive them, adding to the procedure length and the price!

Here at Bivona Family Dental, we understand that price can still be a barrier to those in need of mini dental implants. Therefore, we offer flexible financing options that help break down your costs into manageable monthly payments. If you have any concerns about the cost of mini dental implants or what your insurance plan may cover, our amazing team will gladly assist you!

Experience the Manageable Cost of Mini Dental Implants at Bivona Family Dental

Your smile is worth more than you think, so it may be time to invest in it. Here at Bivona Family Dental, we offer mini implants as a great alternative to traditional implants, with many incredible benefits. Mini dental implants cost much less than their traditional counterparts, making them your premier tooth replacement option.

Book a free implant consultation today to learn how we use mini dental implants to restore your smile!

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