What Are Veneers?

Unhappy with your smile despite healthy teeth? Porcelain veneers might be the perfect solution. Watch the following patient education video to see if veneers are right for you.

Many people want to enhance the appearance of their smile, aiming for teeth that are perfect and beautiful, even if they already have healthy teeth. When your teeth are in good health, the last thing we want to do is drill them down unnecessarily, which is where porcelain or ceramic veneers come in.

Ceramic veneers are a fantastic way to give your teeth a new facade. If you’re unhappy with the color, shape, or overall look of your teeth, veneers can be a great solution. We start by gently removing a small amount of enamel—just enough to address the aspects of your teeth that you want to improve. Whether you feel your teeth aren’t as bright as you’d like, the shape isn’t quite right, or you simply lack confidence in your smile, veneers can help take your smile to the next level.

Veneers involve bonding a thin layer of ceramic to the front surface of your teeth, effectively giving you a stunning new smile. I like to think of it as growing new enamel—replacing what’s not ideal with something that’s perfectly suited to you. Veneers bring your smile into harmony with your face, creating a look that’s natural and beautiful.

When my patients opt for veneers, the results are often life-changing. I don’t just check the success of the procedure by looking at their teeth—I look at their eyes. When someone smiles with new veneers, you can see the happiness and confidence reflected in their eyes. There’s a special twinkle that shows just how pleased they are with their new smile.

Veneers are different from crowns, which are typically used when a tooth needs to be completely rebuilt or is not entirely healthy. Veneers, on the other hand, are ideal for those with healthy teeth who want to enhance their smile.

If you’re interested in improving your smile with veneers, we’d love to meet you. Let’s take a look and see if veneers are the right solution to give you the confidence and happiness you deserve.