Dental Implants in Jasper, AL

For over 50 years, dentists have used dental implants to replace missing teeth and stabilize loose dentures. As implant technology and techniques have advanced, implants have become an effective and reliable tooth replacement solution. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, an estimated 3 million implants were placed in 2019 alone. Considering that about half of the country is missing at least one permanent tooth, there’s a large demand for dependable tooth replacement solutions. Dental implants are a preferred treatment for many individuals with missing teeth, thanks to their many benefits.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants in Jasper, AL | Bivona Family Dentistry
A traditional implant (left) includes two pieces: a screw and a separate abutment that holds a crown in place. In contrast, a mini implant (right) is one piece with a built-in O-ball abutment. The crown contains a housing and rubber ring that securely attach it to the implant.

Dental implants are titanium screws that we place directly into your jawbone. Once they fuse with the bone, a process known as osseointegration, they provide a strong base for replacement teeth like crowns, implant-supported bridges, and implant dentures. They can replace anything from a single tooth to all your teeth and help secure loose or floating dentures.

A traditional dental implant consists of two parts—the titanium screw and the abutment, which connects to the restoration. The screw averages 5 mm in diameter, which is about as wide as a pencil’s eraser. For individuals with insufficient bone quality or quantity, the size of a conventional implant can be a treatment barrier. In these cases, we provide an equally reliable alternative. Mini dental implants are a more recent innovation in the implant world, perfect for patients with smaller or less dense jawbones. They’re less than 3 mm wide and have a less invasive placement process, but both types of implants serve the same purposes. At your free implant consultation, we can discuss which type of implant is best for you.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Why choose dental implants over conventional tooth replacement solutions like traditional bridges or dentures? Implants provide several advantages related to overall oral health and quality of life.

  • Better stability and comfort: Dental implants offer superior stability than other treatment options. Think of it this way. If you wanted a driveway basketball hoop, you could secure the pole deep in the ground with cement or use a portable hoop with a weighted base. Which seems more steady? The post placed into the ground is much more stable in the long term. The same stability goes for dental implants, whether they’re used to support a crown, bridge, or denture. Thanks to their unmatched stability, they effectively prevent dentures from moving in your mouth, eliminating soreness and irritation.
  • Improved functionality: Removable full and partial dentures don’t have the same biting and chewing ability as your original teeth because they rest on your gums or simply clasp onto the remaining for support. By anchoring the prosthetic with implants in the jaw, you restore much more of your natural chewing power. That means you can eat all your favorite foods again.
  • Enhanced aesthetic appeal: Traditional dentures have a bulky plastic base. While the base helps it to stay put, it doesn’t provide the natural look you may be hoping for. Because implant dentures don’t rely on false gums for support, we can reduce or eliminate this foundation, giving your new teeth a more natural appearance.
  • Increased reliability and durability: Teeth secured with dental implants will not move, slip, or fall out. They facilitate a “set it and forget it” approach that doesn’t require daily maintenance beyond brushing and flossing. The titanium implant can last a lifetime, and if properly cared for, your new teeth should last much longer than conventional options.
  • Stronger oral health: Implants fill the spaces your teeth once occupied. Like bridges and partial dentures, they prevent other teeth from shifting and bacteria from growing in those hard-to-reach places. However, a key distinction of dental implants is that they also replace the missing tooth roots. That means they stimulate your jawbone, preventing the bone and tissue deterioration that follows tooth loss.

The Traditional Dental Implant Process

Conventional dental implants require a multi-step process that unfolds over several visits.

  1. Free initial consultation: Implant cases begin with a free consultation, during which our dental team performs a thorough examination, takes a 3D scan, and answers questions. We can discuss your needs and preferences, review insurance and financing options, and determine which type of implant is right for you.
  2. Preparatory procedures: If your damaged tooth is still present, we’ll need to extract it first. Additionally, if your jawbone lacks sufficient volume or density, bone grafting may be needed to strengthen the jaw. These pre-op procedures require at least a few months of healing before we begin implant placement.
  3. Implant placement: On the day of your implant procedure, we’ll begin by applying a local anesthetic to ensure a pain-free experience. We also offer several sedation options to help reduce anxiety and make the procedure comfortable. Once you’re relaxed, we’ll make an incision in the gums, drill out a hole in the bone, and carefully place the implant. Once the implant is secured, we seal the incision with stitches to promote healing. You’ll receive a temporary tooth to maintain aesthetics while your implant heals.
  4. Healing period: The implant must fuse with your jawbone to support your final custom teeth. This osseointegration generally takes 3-6 months. However, L-PRF therapy can help to accelerate the healing process.
  5. Abutment placement: Once healing is complete, we will attach the abutment (the piece connecting the restoration to the implant). We’ll also take impressions of the abutment and surrounding teeth to create your permanent restoration.
  6. Custom restoration attachment: Finally, you’ll return to our office to receive your custom teeth. We’ll make sure everything looks and fits perfectly, make any necessary adjustments, and then clean and polish your new teeth before sending you on your way.

Mini Dental Implants

Like all technologies, dental implants have evolved. A more recent innovation is the mini dental implant. Despite being slimmer, these implants are just as strong as their predecessors. Measuring less than 3 mm in diameter, they’re approximately as wide as a toothpick, which makes them perfect for patients with reduced jawbone density. Their slim profile also means we can often place them without bone grafts, incisions, or stitches. Their minimally invasive placement only requires a tiny hole in the gums (about the size of an ear piercing) and takes much less time to complete.

Another advantage is their significantly faster healing time—osseointegration takes only a couple of weeks. However, mini implants are considered immediate loading implants because of their unique design features. This means they can support a final restoration immediately, allowing you to enjoy your new smile more quickly. Many of our patients come in with a missing tooth and leave the same day with an implant and a new tooth.

Finally, mini implants are more affordable than conventional implants because of their more efficient procedure and single-piece design. These cost-effective implants allow more patients than ever to access the high-quality dentistry they deserve.

Schedule Your Free Implant Consultation Today

Dental implants are an important tooth replacement tool. Their combination of stability, functionality, aesthetics, and comfort is hard to beat with more traditional restorative treatments. If you want to learn more about how dental implants can improve your oral health and quality of life, contact Bivona Family Dentistry to schedule a free implant consultation. A more secure, confident smile is within reach with dental implants!

Frequently Asked Questions

At Bivona Family Dentistry, we take your comfort very seriously. We have protocols in place to make sure every part of your dental journey is a good experience.

During the implant procedure, we’ll use a local anesthetic to numb the nerves surrounding the treatment area so that you won’t feel any pain during or immediately after the procedure. We can also use sedation techniques to ensure a comfortable experience.

After conventional dental implant placement, you can expect some soreness. This may last a few days but should be manageable with over-the-counter pain medication and cold compresses. If you opt for L-PRF therapy, which leverages your body’s natural healing properties, you’ll enjoy faster and more comfortable healing!

The titanium body of dental implants is incredibly durable. Once it fuses with your jawbone, it can last the rest of your life. A solid dental routine will ensure the rest of your mouth stays healthy, allowing your natural and artificial teeth to last for many years.

Dental implants are appropriate for individuals whose jawbones have fully developed. While there is no age cut-off for dental implants, we may recommend mini dental implants to older patients who have lost significant bone volume or density.